Sunday, July 24, 2011

Goodwill Pastry Stand Makeover and a Winner!

Happy Sunday everyone!  The boys are back home and everything is back to normal in the house.  =)  I'm also excited to share my latest Goodwill makeover.  Remember this 3-tier pastry stand I got last week.  I was so inspired by some of the where bloggers create that I came up with this:
First I spray painted it white.  Easy enough.  Then I dug out some old vintage lace and cut pieces to match each tier.  I used my hot glue gun to carefully add each piece of lace.  It was quite the challenge because of the "lip" on each tray but I got it done and now I have a sweet little place to store some of my crafting supplies.

And now for the winner of my LOVE giveaway banner.  It is so true that what goes around comes around - in a good way of course - as Sandi from A Cottage Muse is the winner!  I won one of her giveaways last year and I'm thrilled to return the favor!  Congrats Sandi!

Linking to Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday.



  1. Just beautiful and what a great idea you give me to do with one that's really not pretty at all! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Hugs, FABBY

  2. Your three tier stand looks great with it's new look. I love the addition of the lace....perfect for a creative space!

  3. Cute makeover! A document camera is similar to an overhead projector, however it projects a solid rather than a transparency. So it would project a fossil on a rock or a page from a book- anything solid. So I printed out the grphic on a 8X11" paper, place it under the doc camera and projected it onto the wall, blowing it up to fit the size of the table and traced it onto large sheet of paper - then I traced it onto the table - get it?

  4. Oh my gosh, didn't you burn your fingers doing the lace? Sometimes I hate when I have to use hot glue on ribbon or something that I just know is going to wind up burning my finger. It turned out very pretty though. Maybe you will join in on that linky party next year! : )

  5. I am so excited!! Just what I needed, I've been under the weather and winning this has put a smile on my face! Thank you!

    Love your new find and the lace is the perfect finishing touch!

  6. Love it, your making me want to take a trip to Goodwill! Nice work.


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