Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Basket o' Postcards

I got this lovely little basket back in October at a garage sale.  I used it for Halloween and now with a simple switch of some ribbon, I'm using it for a place to display some holiday postcards:
I simply added some plaid ribbon and tied it in the front.  Then I added some white tissue paper and added my postcards.  My mom gave me the vintage Santa ones last year.  The larger black and white postcards are actually from Ikea.  They show Paris, London, New York, etc. in the wintertime.  They show some really pretty scenes!
I just couldn't hide the Paris one!  I have it propped up on this vintage typewriter.

Click here for a great article with tips for selling on Etsy featuring your's truly.



  1. Great idea, to put your cards in the basket.
    Love those Ikea black/white cards.

  2. So cute. I like your idea for cards better than mine - so I'm stealing it!!!

  3. That Paris postcard is great! I'll bet the others are just as nice. They'd make for a nice display but I like the Paris one on your typewriter. Versatile basket!

    I got my "C" and "L"!! Thank you! : )

  4. How fun! I love the Paris postcard! And a BIG congrats on your Etsy feature:)! I'm headed right over to check it out!!

  5. I wouldn't hide that Paris one either and it looks great on the vintage typewriter! I just came back from the etsy article... WOW what a great helping tool! Thanks for the info! t.xoxoox


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