Saturday, November 26, 2011

Home Goods to the Rescue!

***You still have time to enter my giveaway here!***

After searching just about every Dollar Tree in a 10 mile radius for bottle brush trees, I was just about to give up.  Luckily, I popped into Home Goods this morning and lookie what they had:
I'm so happy that I found these two pretties!  And I love the fact that I really don't have to do anything to them.  Right now they are on a shelf in my livingroom - right next to a Dollar Store birdie I picked up last year.
I also couldn't resist these little books this morning.  They were only $4.99 each.  I have them stacked on the diningroom table for now.
These are some other Xmas goodies I picked up from Home Goods last year. 
And here's a view of my Xmas kitchen window shelf which is kind of like a make-shift mantel since I don't have one:
A lot more Home Goods goodies from last year here too!
The Crown is a recent Home Goods find.  Not sure if you can tell but it's filled with some small Xmas bulbs. 

Am I the only one humming: "Oh it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." these days?!  =)



  1. Wonderful Christmas decorations you have!
    I love the X-mas ornaments in the crown. I'm going to have to copy this idea since I have the same one.

    Dee :-)

  2. Now, I'm off to HomeGoods today! You've inspired me and I just needed a little nudge....yeah right! LOL!

    Love all your pretty holiday vingettes. I need that crown with the bulbs inside.


  3. I love the vintage feel of the bottle bush trees. I have not been out looking at decorations this year.

  4. You've got Santas like I've got snowmen! : ) I lined them up on my mantel yesterday but don't know if they will stay there. Love the ornament filled crown!

  5. Lovely christmas decorations, I love your trees, and the santas- and the guy on the hat . Beautiful.

  6. LOVE the crown...I have one too!
    It's been waaay too long since I've hit HG!

  7. Love your bottle brush trees, glad you finally found some:) There aren't any Home Goods stores out here, phooey! Oh, love your Frenchy books, too!!


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