Friday, November 11, 2011

Burlap Stocking

Got to play Martha Stewart yesterday.  Well, not really but I did use the fabulous stocking template mentioned in the December issue of Martha Stewart Living.  You have to go to: to download and print it, and then you get to make one of these:
I used the larger template for this stocking.  I have been wanting to do a burlap stocking for the past two years.  I don't know why I never did one before because I do love the rustic look of burlap and lord knows I have a ton of it left over from other projects.  Seeing the stockings in MSL gave me just the nudge I needed.
I added the white wood B (for our last name) with a grungy red safety pin.  You probably can't tell but I used a little brown paint to distress it a bit and then sanded it here and there.  I'm planning on stuffing the bottom of the stocking with tissue paper and then adding little wrapped "presents" or other Xmas-appropriate goodies for a kind of "spilling" from the top look.  This will probably go on our front door this year in lieu of a wreath.

I also printed off the smaller MSL template which I plan on using with some of the fabric I got at the church thrift store fall fair last weekend.



  1. Cute! I got those Naughty and Nice stockings from Ballard - last year? - and I stuffed the bulk of it with tissue and put a little wrapped box and some greenery popping out and used on the back of my kitchen chairs. If you can do other sizes, that would be a nice decoration on the back of your dining room chairs.

  2. Cute stockings - great minds think alike, I also made some burlap stockings, too - posted them today!! Your sister offers a cute idea above!!

  3. I'm in love with stockings!! :)
    They look great in this plane burlap look!! Love it!


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