Sunday, November 13, 2011

Goodwill Makeovers

I popped into my local Goodwill earlier this week and came back with a lot of goodies:
The bucket was only 99 cents. 
The candle holder was $6.99 - pretty pricey for Goodwill but I couldn't resist considering it came from Target where it was probably originally double the price.  I also got 5 little bottles that I plan to embellish.  First makeover is the bucket:
Can you tell I ran out of white spray paint?!  I had originally wanted to paint it white but I just ran out of it, so plan B of course was to paint it black.  Then I stenciled the 8 onto to some scrap fabric with a fabric marker.  Once that was dry, I sewed it onto a piece of burlap.  Hot glue to the front and done!  Right now it's holding some of my French script clothes pins.

Next up is the candle holder which I really didn't do too much to except that I added some of my hand-stamped joyeux noel candles.
I think it's going to look stunning on my Xmas table!
Linking to Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday.



  1. The silver candle holder looks just gorgeous and I can see how it would be great for Christmas decor. I love it when I go to a goodwill or a savers and find great items, always a thrill :)

  2. Great finds! Yes, it helps to 'know' your prices -- agreed, the candle holder probably was at least TWICE that at Target! Love what you did with the bucket. Are those clothes pins inside?

  3. Lovely! It will be so very pretty at Christmas time...and of course you could use it all spring with different colors. :)

    Where did you get those clever clothespins?

  4. Wow, you really transformed that bucket! It is so cute now. You did a fabulous job of using what you had, and I think I like the black better! Very pretty candle holder, too. I have a Goodwill rule. If it costs over $5, I have to really love it! Believe me, I NEED rules!

  5. Yes - a bucket of clothes pins! They are actually in my Etsy shop!


  6. I love makeovers where you use what's already on hand! Your bucket is so cute, and I love your beautiful candles and holder, great idea!!

  7. Your place is wonderful! I love all your makeovers!!! I'm your newest follower!!!

    Aimee @

  8. Great finds, love the bucket and the silver candle holder. That will definitely look good for Christmas.The candles are really pretty as well.


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