Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chalkboard Paper

A few weeks ago my sister, Kathy from Creative Home Expressions mentioned chalkboard paper in a comment on my blog.  Well, of course that got the wheels turning for this garage sale mirror I got over the summer:
I loved the gold frame and used chalkboard paint over the mirror.  Unbeknownst to me, when the paint dried and I tried to prime it, the scratches and scribbles were awfully noticeable.  Look closely, you can see the epic fail.  Soooo...before I made my new year's resolution to cut back on buying stuff I don't need, I ordered this self-adhesive chalkboard paper from ABC Supplies.
It arrived yesterday and I got busy this morning putting it to use.  Now I still have to work on trimming the edges but what a great difference!
It was a bit of a pain to use because it kept rolling back and sticking to the adhesive.  I think with a little practice, though, this could be great to use for all sorts of projects I have swimming around in my mind.

Now I just have to find a place for it!  ;)



  1. Wow. I didn't even know such a product exists. Uh, oh.
    Fondly, Tami

  2. Haha, I ordered some from Amazon and just the email that its been shipped! : ) I have a gold framed picture I brought with us just to do up as a chalkboard, although I'll be painting the gold. I wanted to go right over the glass but I'd heard of issues with the chalkboard paint on glass/mirror. This turned out pretty!

  3. Really it expensive? I bought a can of the spray paint, but haven't tried it yet (bought it months ago - haha)

  4. Lol I've used it it's great! BTW I had to laugh when you said "Where am I going to put it" That is my BIGGEST problem! I'm growing right out of this house with all these great ideas!

  5. Swooning over your frame! What a score.

    The lovely Theresa sent me over. Also swooning over all the pretties you sent her from your giveaway. So much fun.

    So glad to meet you, have the most wonderful 2012! Can't wait to see what exciting things it has in store for us!

  6. Ok, I am totally drooling over your chalkboard! The frame is gorgeous! I like using chalkboard vinyl. Not sure if that's the same as what you are using. And yes, it can be a bit tricky it apply! Yours turned out great!

  7. Never heard of this...thanks for sharing! Oh and I loved your french journal too!

  8. Your chalkboard turned out great! Is this a vinyl'ish product? I'm asking because I tried a self adhering chalkboard vinyl product that I purchased at Michaels and could NOT work all of the air bubbles out. I wound up taking it off and painting the mirror with chalkboard paint. I would much rather use a product like you used if I don't have to worry about air bubbles!


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