Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Shabby French Journal

One of my new year's resolutions is to cutback on buying things I just don't need.  That includes clothes, home decor and yes, even craft supplies.  That's not to say I won't pop into an estate sale or two, or my favorite church thrift store - or Michael's! - from time to time.  I just want to de-clutter and use things I already have in the house - returning to my previous alter-ego: One Cheap B*tch. 
So when I spied this little journal that had been sitting in my craft bin, I knew I could set a good example for myself by using what I already have.
I had one sheet of the script paper leftover from god knows when, so I glued that onto the cover.  I printed off the Eiffel Tower image and Paris postmark from the Graphics Fairy and just randomly glued those onto the script paper - adding my own little red Paris postmark.
Then it was just a free-for-all with stamping 2012 on the front in red and black, adding the lace trim, key and random Paris stamps here and there.
I even used snippets of French book paper and leftover fabric.  The finishing touch was the frozen Charlotte and the twine.

I will probably never use this as an actual journal but it makes for a nice touch to the vintage school desk vignette that I change up from time to time. 

It feels good not spending any money and really using what I already have.  Hopefully this is one resolution I can actually keep!  ;)



  1. Happy New Year Jeanine. That's a great resolution, and I love your journal.

  2. Pretty little book and how nice that you had all the items to complete it without going shopping.


  3. Janine,
    your journal is lovely! What great ideas you have! I had never seen frozen Charlottes until one of the venders in my old store brought some in to sell. So glad you stopped by so I could find you! Will be visiting often!

  4. PS. I'm your newest follower and would love for you to be mine!

  5. Your journal is very beautiful,- and I will TRY to stick to your resolution also- :)


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