Saturday, January 21, 2012

Here Comes the Snow...

We're in the midst of our first snow fall of the season.  It looks so pretty!  While, I'd love to hunker down and spend the morning and afternoon crafting, one of my boys has a birthday party to go to today.
Pinterest via Between Naps on the Porch

I've been very lazy the last couple of days but I do have some projects to post later today/tomorrow morning.  For now, I'm going to enjoy the quiet calm snow seems to bring and then head off for a morning of roller skating!  Wish me luck!



  1. Yucky rainy day here, perfect for creating, so I should get my butt in gear and get crafting!

  2. I just read about your snow ~ we got ice! It seems to be more about ice than snow here. I'd love to see a picture of you in skates! : ) How long has it been? Have fun!

  3. rainy here, flooding there is so much!

    the snow is always bright and cheery

    hey, how about instead of saying 'been lazy', say "I've chosen to quiet myself for a bit"?

    barbara jean

  4. We've got some snow here finally, too. Hope you enjoyed all your fun plans yesterday.
    Thanks so much for your recent visit to my blog!
    - Susan

  5. We've been so lucky so far this winter but we got about 8 inches over the last few days! Looks pretty but can't wait til it's gone already!


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