Sunday, March 25, 2012

The 4 Year Old's Table Makeover

A couple of weeks ago, my 4 year old and I saved this cute little table from someone's trash.  As I was putting it in the car, he asked if he could have it for his room.  It was originally black but here it is now:
I gave it a few coats of white spray paint.
Then I let him pick out a Spongebob picture to add to the top.  We decoupaged it on using Mod Podge.

He loves that he can put his books on the bottom as he likes to "read" before he goes to bed.  Total cost: $0!



  1. great find - and he has great taste in decorating - sponge bob is adorable on the top!

  2. How cute! It sounds like he is very proud of his little table!


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