Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Think Pink!

I saw a gorgeous, vintage pink fan on Pinterest that I'm hopelessly in love with.  What are the chances of me finding one during my estate and garage sale escapades?  I'm thinking slim to none so I came up with an alternate plan:
Paint a vintage one pink instead. 
I did find this one at an estate sale earlier this month and it was a yucky gray.  All it took was a few coats of pink spray paint and voila: I have my vintage, pink fan.

Of course now I'll find the real thing - ha!  And never you mind that poop looking stuff on the tea room wall.  It's some sort of spray insulator stuff my husband used when he built it.  Bleah!  I'm hoping to get that stuff out of there this year because, well, it looks like poop!



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