Monday, March 19, 2012

Upcycled Estate Sale Bench

Well it seems the warmer weather is finally here to stay (I hope, I hope!).  We spent a lovely weekend outdoors, doing some much-needed Spring cleaning around the yard.  It was also the perfect weekend to get some spray painting in.  Remember this little bench I found at an estate sale earlier this month?  I finally got around to sprucing it up:
After cleaning off all of the dust and cobwebs, I gave it a few coats of flat white spray paint.
Once that was dry, I printed out this great image from The Graphics Fairy.  I've seen people using it for everything from a Lazy Susan to a coffee table so I knew it would fit perfectly on my my bench.
I used graphite paper to stencil it onto the seat of the bench.  It's my second time using graphite paper and I'm finally getting the hang of it.  My advice: use a pen when tracing and try not to lean on the paper when tracing.  I had a few smudges that I tried to cover up with some acrylic paint.
I found the perfect spot for her in the corner of my tea room.

Linking to The Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday and Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday.



  1. What a cute bench! I love the stencil that you used. Thank you for stopping by our blog earlier. :) I'm your newest follower. Megan

  2. It turned out so pretty! Love the stencil on it, it's the perfect touch. I really really need to rake and clean up the yard... how does snow cause so much mess? Happy Monday! t.xoxo

  3. It looks perfect there! Such a cute little bench!

  4. Cute bench - I also struggles with the graphite paper - and when I was done, rather than trying to paint over the smudges, I smudged some of the graphite all over the rest of the item - it made it look a bit aged! Then covered it with a spray acrylic.

    Hasn't our NY weather been just perfect? Today I have all my windows open and it is like a summer day - finally!!

  5. Hello Sweetie,

    Million thanks for dropping by Stockholm §;-)

    You make me so happy... U R D 100th lovely lady who now follows me.

    Great to know you. I will be your new follower and a bloggie friend.

    Happy Monday & a blessed week to come.


  6. You have a tea room? How special is that? Your chair redo is just absolutely charming. I like using graphite paper but you are right. You have to be careful. Happy Monday. xo

  7. That is the sweetest little bench. You did a great job.


  8. Saw your post on Twitter. :-) That's a great idea to put the image in the seat! Turned out so pretty! It seems like every time I find one of those little chairs (two) I end up breaking the backs somehow. I'll definitely be looking for another now, though. Maybe the third time will be the charm.

  9. It looks great, I am your newest follower too:-) Hugs, Biljana

  10. Love it! Thanks for following me on Twitter. I love your blog.

  11. Awesome idea and I love your job!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)


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