Friday, April 27, 2012

Kitchen Vignette

Guess who has strep throat now?!  Thanks to my adorable 4 year old, I spent most of the day in bed.
Yesterday I put together this quick vignette in the kitchen using the vintage Pilgrim crate I found at a garage sale last week.  (Not sure if I'll get any sales in this weekend - boo hoo!)  I am thinking of adding some colorful straws or vintage silverware to the mason jars.  The little pitcher is from Ikea and the French candle is one I made a couple of weeks ago.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!



  1. BOO for being sick in the spring! Hope you're better -- how funny that you STILL managed to pull together such a cute vignette! Super woman! I love the candle -- will have to go back and check out how you did that.

  2. Oh no, hope you feel better! Unfortunately, this is what happens once they start school ~ they bring home every bug. I used to dread when I'd hear about stomach viruses going around. It was only a matter of time before the kids would get it and then share it with me.


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