Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Petite Embellished Bottle

I have to say embellished bottles seem to be my new favorite find on Pinterest.  I admire the many different styles, fabrics and, well, embellishments that people come up with.  I was feeling a bit inspired this morning so I made this petite Marie Antoinette bottle:
These images are one of my first purchased off of Etsy.  It was a full sheet of pure Marie love.  I printed out the sheet and used a quarter to make rounds over the ones I chose for my bottle.  Then I used Mod Podge to glue them on each of the four indented rounds on my bottle.
While that was drying, I whipped up another little envelope and added a Marie paperdoll of sorts to it.
I then added the vintage lace using my hot glue gun.  After that, I added varying sizes, colors of faux pearl strips, the mini clothes pin and the tea-stained seam binding.
Not sure if you can tell but there is some scrolled sheet music in there as well.  Kind of a message in a bottle?!

With my 4 year old home sick, this is about all I expect to get done today!



  1. That looks so pretty! That image is perfect for the round indentation that is on the bottle.

  2. Beautiful! I especially love the music inside the bottle!


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