Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Finally Splurged on ASCP

Yes, I did it.  After months of hearing everyone rave about Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, I finally splurged and bought two quarts.
I could hardly contain myself when they arrived yesterday.  I didn't waste any time painting these Goodwill candle sconces.
I chose Antoinette for them which is a soft pink.
These will be going in our bedroom once my husband re-paints the room.  I enjoyed using the paint but is it me or is it very streaky?!  I know the cans say you can use one coat but either my paintbrush stinks or my painting method stinks because I found the paint to be a little, as I said, streaky.

I'm working on a Pottery Barn knock-off shelf next and hoping that I will get the hang of using this paint.  Wish me luck!



  1. I've never worked with AS paint, I guess I'm too cheap!! Your sconces turned out beautifully! Good luck with your shelf, I sure love PB, just not their prices!

  2. Love these sconces! Try two coats. I always do two coats. Plus, you have to remember you were painting a lighter color over black. What color are you doing your bedroom?

  3. I have always used 2 coats when covering a darker color.....i did a vintage metal tool box in grey y and was surprised how well it covered with one coat...but i was using paris grey...over a vintage will LOVE ASCP when you paint wood..I have done SEVERAL pieces with it and LOVE it!!

  4. I love the sconces and have never used that paint.

  5. I can't wait to buy some AS paint this summer. I'm thinking the Paris Grey and duck egg blue or the white linen or whatever it is...Can't wait! Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my little blog and for following! I'm loving your blog and now following you too! ~ Jamie


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