Monday, October 15, 2012

Seeing Stars

My five year old picked out these paper mache stars at Michael's last week.  I was really hoping to decoupage them using the tissue paper method, but - sigh! - it was not meant to be.  The tissue paper got stuck in my printer not once, not twice but three times.  And you know what they say about three times.  Plan B:
I used some old French book paper and pages from the Romeo and Juliet book I got a couple of weeks ago.  I covered each star with Mod Podge.  Then I glued on the ripped pages from each book randomly all over each star.
While the Mod Podge was still a little wet, I added some flat glitter pieces (Martha Stewart Crafts).  Once that was dry, I popped over to The Graphics Fairy and grabbed these two Victorian lady images.  I added them to the fronts using Glue Dots.

Now, I am not calling these Xmas ornaments, although they will likely end up on our tree.  For now, I'm calling them my Victorian lady stars.  ;)



  1. Well, I think they will make great things-that-will-not-be-named!

  2. Your stars are just gorgeous! I love any project that involves Mod Podge, glitter, and vintage French book pages! I just may have to run out and get some of these stars:)

  3. Those stars are really pretty. I love using Mod Podge. Adding glitter and old pages just makes them irrestible.



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