Sunday, January 20, 2013

Care for a Spot of Tea?

There is just something about these petite cups and saucers that scream Valentine's Day to me.  They were my mother-in-law's.  We saved them from the house after the hurricane and my bad, they've been sitting in our garage for weeks.
I broke them out today and played around with them a bit.  They are just too sweet to put away.
She had them on a metal stand which is a bit rusty now.  I'm trying to figure out what color to paint it.  Gold maybe?
Some cupcakes with your tea?  Of course these are candles from Home Goods - bought them a couple of years ago.  But they do look delish.
And a proper lady always has a hanky to dab the sides of her mouth.
I found some vintage ones at a church thrift store.
Yes, some hot tea sounds good right about now.



  1. oh, your cups are so pretty. love the little feet. and that Lacey hanky is just lovely.

  2. What a beautiful set! You definitely should use it and enjoy it!


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