Monday, January 21, 2013

Upcycled Oval Frame

It's snowing here and boy am I glad I was able to get in some spray painting on Saturday before the temperature dropped!  This is another salvaged piece from my late mother-in-law's house.  She had some dried flowers in there but I took it a part and gave it a quick makeover.
The frame was originally gold but I gave it two coats of flat white spray paint.  While that was drying, I used a bit of osnaburg fabric and this great French bee image that is floating all around Pinterest (thankfully my sister Kathy from Creative Home Expressions pinned it!).
I printed the image onto transfer paper and simply ironed it onto my fabric.  Then I hot glued the entire fabric insert (glued onto a piece of cardboard) back into the frame.  I didn't even put the glass back in.
I have it propped up in our guest room for now with a collection of crowns from Decor Steals.   Wish I would have centered the crown transfer more with the top of the frame but I can live with it.   I love how the osnaburg gives it a burlap look.



  1. I really love that image, it's perfect for your frame! This cold & snowy weather is putting a cramp in my spray painting plans!!

  2. That looks great! I love it with your crowns. Thanks for the shout out ~ they are great images, aren't they? Stay warm. It is going to be a high of 13 for us today.

  3. Beautiful! It's cold here too in Jersey :) I can't wait for spring.

  4. Love that image and it's perfect for the sweet oval frame.
    I tried spray painting something the other day but it globbed up due to the cold air. Yuck!

    Keep those cute projects coming.


  5. I love everything you do, and this frame and image is so cute.
    I hope your weather gets warmer soon.
    Warm Wishes


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