Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dressed Up Seed Peat Pots

I'm looking forward to a fruitful garden this year.  My dad has offered to help me pick the perfect spots in our yard.  You see, we do well with tomatoes and cucumbers, and some random herbs, but my eggplant and green peppers never seem to take off.  Anywho, I decided to start early this year with some of our seeds.  Of course, I had to dress up my peat pots just a little.
These mini peat pots were something like 10 for $1.  I painted each white to start.  While the paint was drying, I hand-stamped basil, oregano and mint onto tissue paper.  I ripped the tissue paper as close to the lettering as possible and glued it on with Mod Podge.
I gave each piece of tissue paper a coating on top after the first coat dried.  Now I know which seed goes in which pot, and which herb is in which pot (and the pots look a little cuter!).
I also did this seeds one but I think the stamps were a little big for the pots.  Doh!



  1. So cute! Where did you find your peat pots? I looked for some today.

  2. Very pretty! Love the lip on these; it makes them look more like a pot. The ones I get at the dollar store or Big Lots don't have the lip. I like the way you stamped them, too.


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