Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Patience Paid Off!

I have been waiting literally months for my local Ikea to get the pretty aqua blue kitchen cart that you've probably seen all over Pinterest.  Guess what?
I grabbed mine this morning!  Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!  I'm so very excited!  As soon as my hubby steps foot in the door, he's putting this baby together.  I'd do it myself but I don't have a great track record with assembling Ikea products.  Better to be safe than sorry!



  1. P.S. You can also order the cart online!


  2. Oh I love these trolleys. I bought some for my Mum in February when I was visiting. I put them together too, so proud of myself as hubby usually gets to do that stuff. Mum has a table for a work bench and she has three of these gorgeous trolleys full of things that use to be on floor.
    Anne xx

  3. I love this trolley. I, like you, waited for a long, long time. Could never find it in the stores. I finally found it online, and ordered it immediately. I can't believe the quality for the money. The shipping was only $10. You will love it.


  4. Love this!...Can't wait to go to Mass. this summer, so I can stop at Ikea!

  5. I love it! The closest Ikea to us is almost 2 hours away but it is on my list of adventures this spring! Happy Weekend! love, t.xoxo


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