Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bits & Pieces

It seems the taste of Spring we had a few days ago was to be short-lived.  We're back to freezing cold temperatures which means I've essentially been trapped in the house.  I dipped into my French paper stash and made some new pieces to keep from crawling the walls.
Bundles and bundles of vintage French poetry pages.
My camera hates these cold, dreary days as well.  Can never get any good light.  Sigh!
French paper votive.
Burlap and lace.  One of my favorite combinations.
Rolled up French paper and some bling.

Fingers crossed this weekend won't be a bust.

Linking to French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday.



  1. So pretty! I love burlap and lace together, too. I really like the little numbers you have on the front of one of them - super cool!
    I'm visiting you today from Feathered Nest Friday. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and leave a comment and Link Up, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Medicine Cabinet Makeover

  2. sweet. Glad you have email subscribe. Now I do not miss any of your cuteness.


  3. Love the French book page bundles. They look great grouped together.


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