Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Updated Bedroom

A few days ago, my husband finally re-painted our bedroom.  The wall color had gotten dirty since it was first painted almost 12 years ago!  And let's not forget all the holes from hanging various pictures and such.  I'm keeping it simple this time around.
These are some before photos.  Ick!
See the dirt and spackle spots?  Double ick.
Not pretty by any means.  And here are some afters:
Clean and simple.  I was going for a Pottery Barn-look with the solo wood shelf.  It was originally black but I gave it a chalk paint makeover.
I told you I had A LOT of dress forms about the house!  By the way, the shelf isn't crooked; I am!
My favorite pillows.
We still have to work on the floors and molding but at least the room is painted.  It only took over a year - lol!



  1. Love the color! Isn't it funny how we let some things go and just ignore it in our homes? And as always, one project always leads to another! Love the shelf and your whole display - and your pillows are beautiful!! Enjoy your new surroundings!!

  2. It's lovely sweetie.
    Doesn't it feel great to start all clean and fresh?
    I so need to do this in all our rooms. maybe some day. =)

    hugs and blessings


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