Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back From Our Road Trip

We just got back from a wonderful road trip to Virginia (Winchester).  My sister, Trish lives there and we try to visit her at least twice a year with the boys.  In addition to good conversation and some good eats, lookie what I found...
Hobby Lobby!  First time I ever went to one and my-oh-my, now I know what all you other ladies have been gushing about.  I could NOT contain my excitement!  My hubby and boys did not share my sentiments but I didn't care!
I picked up some great goodies that Michael's and AC Moore do not seem to carry here.
Some great new stamps and tags!  I plan on aging the clips.
Pretty fleur de lis doorstop and new French script stamp.
I thought the prices were surprisingly reasonable.  The little jar was only $5.99.
Of course, couldn't leave the South without stopping by Chick-Fil-A.  We don't have them on Long Island.  Yummy!

And my little guy lost his first tooth at the hotel last night.  I don't know how on earth the Tooth Fairy found us (wink, wink).

We also hit an outdoor flea market.  I'll share those finds tomorrow.

Good to be home and back to blogging.  =)



  1. Winchester, Va... memories from my youth! I used to spend summers near Harpers Ferry, WV. My best friend was from Winchester...
    Back to reality! No Hobby Lobby here near where I live but they are putting one in NJ around 20 min. trip, can't wait. I have visited them in other areas... love the knobs for furniture!! Love what you found, will have to check out the stamps!

  2. They opened a huge gas station by my husband's work, one that has food, donuts, ice coffee etc. My husband kept pestering me to go there for "breakfast" and I kept resisting...until I realized it's right by a Hobby Lobby:) Now I'm MORE than happy to oblige! The deal is if he wants gas station breakfast, I get to go to Hobby Lobby!


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