Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Junkin' Finds

We had a lot of fun junkin' in Winchester over the weekend (even though it was 100 degrees).  Here's what I grabbed while we were there.
Love these vintage tags!
The flower frog was only $5 which I thought was a steal and the iron foot form was only $3.  I'd never seen an iron one before.  I have two wood ones in the house so this was a nice find.  Plan on using it as a doorstop.
My husband can't figure out why I grabbed this pulley.  I just couldn't pass it up for $5.  I'm sure I'll figure something out.
Lots of sheet music.  This whole stack was 79 cents.  Woo hoo!

We were going to try and hit some garage sales there too but we were all pooped out after the flea market and the heat.



  1. Jeanine.... I LOVE EVERYTHING you bought. I must say that I LOVE the tags. I'm ALWAYS on the look out for those (I've found 3 so far : (). I too have found a metal shoe form (and I too have 2 wooden ones, lol). I have a pulley similar to yours and I just use it as a decoration on my studio table : )
    Hugs ~

  2. Lots of goodies! Love the tags and the flower frog. I'm sure you'll come up with something for the pulley even if it is just in some kind of vignette.

  3. I love your junk finds!
    One of the great things you could do with such an ornamental pulley is use it to raise and lower a hanging plant on a porch, etc...the pulley is pretty and practical, too! And this way, you can have a great hanging basket with trailing plants that you would normally find unreachable to water or transplant..just a thought...

  4. You got some cool stuff Jeanine! The metal tags remind me of some I made recently... Love the finds!

  5. You really scored big time on those great finds. Love the metal ring tags.


  6. Love that pulley.
    just bought one with a great metal top like that to.
    and a plain metal top too

    great finds
    be blessed


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