Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bigger Than a Bread Box

Or is it a milk tin?!  Whatever you call it, I picked this up at Home Goods a few years ago.  We used to have it on our porch but it didn't quite fit with my beachy decor, so off to the shed it went.
I dug it out yesterday to give it a Frenchie makeover.
This seriously took four coats of white spray paint to cover.  Holy moly, I was in a cloud of white "smoke."
Once the paint was dry, I printed out some wonderful French graphics (found on Pinterest) onto waterslide decal paper.  Gave them a few coats of clear spray paint and placed them on the front and two sides.
Oodles better now! 
For now it's sitting in my tea room until I find a more permanent home for it.


1 comment:

  1. I love the transformation of your tin. It looks wonderful!



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