Friday, July 26, 2013

Scenes from the Tea Room

If you've been following me for a while, you know we converted our former greenhouse into a girlie tea room.  It's the one room where no boys are allowed!
It houses a lot of garage sale finds and craft projects. 
And things that boys just don't understand.
But that's okay because every mom/wife needs a little escape once in a while.
It gets super hot in the summer, but in the fall it's the perfect retreat.
No phone, no internet, no tv.
Paradise by the backyard lights.
Thanks for sharing this mini tour with me.



  1. Sounds like you have a fun little escape! I am in love with your gorgeous vintage Paris chalkboard! Bet you can't wait for cooler temps so you can play out there:)

  2. You've got some pretty things in your tea room. It is nice to have your own little retreat.

  3. Great idea girl
    enjoy. =)

    be blessed


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