Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tipping the Scales

I was only able to hit two garage sales this morning.  But they were well worth it.  The word of the day for me is definitely: scale.
This beauty has a little history behind it.  The owner said it came from the 56th Fighter Group - a great old bar and grill in Farmingdale, Long Island. 
Sadly it closed not too long ago.  I was happy to grab a piece of it's history.
I don't where the rest of this scale is but I love the bucket piece.  And for $1, it was definitely coming home with me.
I'm already in the process of giving it a makeover.



  1. Jeanine, if you loved me you would send me that scale. OMG it's amazingly perfect!!!! I love the bucket scale too. That would look so cute hanging in a kitchen (or even sitting on a table) holden fruit. GREAT scores my dear friend ... I'm SO jealous ;)
    ~ Deanna

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