Friday, January 24, 2014

Valentine's Day Touches

Brrrrr...still in a deep freeze here.  Not feeling overly creative so sharing some Valentine's Day touches around the house.
I use this for Xmas too.  Sheet music scrolls in an upcycled can. Now holding a heart pen one of my boys gave me a couple of years ago.
Valentine touches in the corner cabinet.  I love breaking out these vintage Valentines each year.
The handwritten notes from the children to their friends are so sweet.
They don't make cards like this anymore, do they?
Best estate sale find ever!  I got a bag of them for $1 if I remember correctly.  And two thrift store finds from this morning.
The wheels are already turning for the wood plaque.  Thinking of painting it white and then adding a first aid look to it for our bathroom.  It cost me 50 cents for BOTH!

Jeanine 1.
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  1. Cute Valentine's Day touches! I don't think they do make the vintage looking ones anymore. It is all taken up with cartoon characters now. Great potential on your sign find.

  2. At least we can depend on Valentine décor to brighten up these blah and chilly days! Love your vintage valentines.


  3. Cute post . . . I love all the vintage valentines and I love, love, love that cold drink sign. I may just copy that for out in your outdoor kitchen area
    Keep Smiling,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)


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