Sunday, January 26, 2014

Draft Dodger

There is nothing remotely sexy about this post.  You will get to see my 50+ year old wood floors and white, chippy doors, and maybe even some dust bunnies.
You see, our aluminum back door needed a draft solution.  The rubber at the bottom is letting in cold air.  Since I like to keep the wood door open in the winter to let in the light, I needed a quick fix.  So I decided to make a draft pillow or whatever the kids are calling it these days.
I pulled out some ticking fabric, cut a long piece and started sewing. I know some people add rice or beans to them but I added some polyfil - which explains some of the lumps and bumps.
Still it has a purpose to serve so I'm not too worried about the pretty.  Here it is in place at the back door.  It's a little too long so I'll have to cut down one end but problem immediately solved! And I must admit I'm quite partial to the ticking fabric.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey, if it works, who cares what it looks like! I should get one for here. Even though we have that rubber piece it seems like there is a draft anyway, so I wind up keeping the main door closed.


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