Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What I'm Wearing Wednesday...Sort Of

I really love "what I'm wearing Wednesday" posts but because I rarely have anyone home to snap a photo of me during the week, I never get to participate.  Since my hubby is home this week, I put him to good use this morning for my mini version of WIWW.
I've been wanting to make lace boot cuffs for a while now. Inspiration hit yesterday while the boys were at school.  
I always have a ton of lace hanging around and this piece had some meat to it.  Perfect for boot cuffs.
I simply measured around my calves and cut each piece accordingly. I hand sewed the ends together.  Super fast and easy. What's nice is the lace is a bit stretchy so they go on quite easily and stay put.

Best part is I had everything I needed on hand for my new fashion accessory!

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