Friday, January 31, 2014

Enamel Tag Number Magnets and Randomness

Ever have one of those weeks where you're doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but not really getting anything accomplished? That has been my week.  I've been starting a lot of projects but not quite finishing them.  So this morning, I was determined to complete at least one of them.
I picked up a package of enamel tags at Michael's earlier this month.  I used one for a religious pendant.  This time, I turned them into numbered magnets.
I hand-stamped the numbers onto tissue paper and then used Mod Podge to add them to each tag.  I gave each a topcoat to protect the paper, and added self-sticking magnets to the backs.  Voila!  Instant kitchen magnets.
This little burlap pouch is part of the randomness.  I added a piece of Frenchy muslin to it with a grungy red safety pin.
And this little, antique frame was a find a few weeks ago at a garage sale.  I love the gold color, and think the French script looks perfect in there!  Another quick and easy makeover.

Wish me luck on tackling my other half-done projects!

Jeanine 1.
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  1. Yes… I have those days a lot. You feel like you have a million things started and nothing finished! Awesome little magnets!

  2. Hi Jeanine,
    I just discovered your blog via a Pinterest pin yesterday & started following. I love all you're sharing. I also happen to really like your name... my daughter is named 'Jeanine' (same spelling).
    Happy to meet you,

  3. I posted on the very same rustic and distressed tags... I have them in draft right now... Great minds think alike Jeanine!

  4. Great tags and I like that they are magnets. I've done that, too, and have to make an effort to finish up projects when I've got that kind of mood or week going on. I was just happy I cleaned up my craft/sewing room a bit this week!


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