Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Quick Valentine's Day Touches

Guess what we got yesterday?  Yup, you guessed it: more snow. Even more coming tonight.  Sadly, this weather is doing nothing to keep the creative juices flowing.  I got nothing.  Except a few quick Valentine's Day pieces that literally took maybe 10 minutes tops.
Dollar store clothes pins hand-stamped with XOXO.
Little Valentine's Day notecard using this precious image from the Graphics Fairy.
Ikea heart ornament featuring another image from the Graphics Fairy.

I'm itching to start some spring and Easter projects.  Hoping that might nudge Mother Nature along.

Jeanine 1.
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  1. Love all of these, Jeanine!

    Winter won't budge around here for quite a long time. It snows from September all the way into June some years. So I'm reading and crafting my way through it.

    You have some of the best ideas. I want to make your bunny peat pots this spring. And some paper mache eggs. And petal garlands... and, and, and. That should keep me busy for a while. Can't wait to see what you make for spring!

    Happy February,

  2. Looks to me like you're getting a few things accomplished. I like the embellishment to the clothespins. We got our first really big snow fall yesterday....probably about a foot of snow. Sun is shining today and it looks so pretty - but it is bitter cold! Stay warm!!


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