Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Numbered Coasters

I was digging through the garage recently and came across more of these bathroom tiles that have been in there for literally 5+ years.  I just can't seem to throw them out because you never know when inspiration will hit.
Case in point: I whipped up these numbered coasters using them yesterday.
I used Staz On ink and some numbered rubber stamps.  Once I did the numbers, I felt like they were missing a little something-something, so I added the scroll-y designs to the two corners.
I finished up by adding felt to the backs and gave them a couple of coats of clear poly spray.

I can't wait to use them when we're entertaining this summer!


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  1. They are pretty and make for great coasters! The numbers are the perfect size for the tiles, too.

  2. Love numbers on anything, love your numbers.



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