Monday, May 5, 2014

Someone Made His First Communion

Been a bit MIA the last few days and sadly, I have nothing in the works.  We were preparing for our older sons first holy communion, which was yesterday.
It was a beautiful day and the big guy was looking quite dapper - if I do say so myself.  =)  I did make up some cute favor bags, but of course I forgot to snap a photo of the bag.
We had some yummy white chocolate lollipops from Etsy (Wicked Good Treats).  And cute little personalized mint tins.  Packaged in a glassine bag with a Merci clothes pin.  I think the adults loved the clothes pins more than the goodies, but the kids certainly loved the lollipops.



  1. Congratulations to him! He looks very handsome and so well dressed! xoxo

  2. Congrats, I bet you are so proud of your son! What a handsome young man he is!


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