Sunday, June 15, 2014

Numbered Peat Pots

A few months ago, Debra from Common Ground posted some beautiful numbered wreaths.  I believe she used them for some pretty holiday napkins.  I saved the image to my computer and finally found a way to use them.
These are slightly larger peat pots than what I am used to getting.  I picked them up at Walmart last weekend.  I started by giving each a coat of white acrylic paint.
While the paint was drying, I printed out the numbered wreaths onto tissue paper.  I simply ripped around each image and used one coat of Mod Podge to adhere them to the front of the pots, and another coat to seal in the image.  I added a couple of blue rhinestones to add some color.
If you want to try the tissue paper method, here's what I've found: 1. You don't need to reverse your image, 2. Ink jet printers work best, 3. Tape your tissue paper to a piece of cardstock for easy feeding into the printer - I usually tape mine a little at the top bottom and on the sides.  Super easy, right?!


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  1. Very pretty! The big ones look like they would be a fun size to work with. I've just done the little ones, but I will have to keep my eye out for the larger size.

  2. I love these and I will have to try your technique.

  3. I love these pots! I've added designs on tissue paper to clay pots but have never tried the peat pots. I'll definitely give this a try. Have a great day!

  4. These are so cute! I see some peat pot fun in my future...thanks for sharing!

  5. Love, love, love them! They look fantastic!

  6. This is a stupid question but how do you print on tissue paper? Do you have a special printer?


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