Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Random Frenchness

Sharing some random Frenchy projects that I've finished over the past week.  I jazzed the photos up via Instagram, which I believe I am quite possibly obsessed with.  If you're on it, you know what I'm talking about!
This is that big garage sale basket that I got for $2 a couple of weeks ago.  I gave it a few coats of white spray paint and French labels on each basket top.  Hard to see in this photo...
Here they are.
This chalkboard was also a garage sale find.  I added some Frenchy goodness and put it in my Etsy shop.  It sold out the same day.
Petite bottles dressed in vintage French book paper.
And me goofing around with Scrabble tiles.

Just a reminder, if you're on Instagram, please let me know as I'd love to follow!

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  1. So pretty you have had some great finds.

  2. How I love all things Frenchy. These are all so very pretty, Jeanine!
    Have a happy one,

  3. Cute finds and fixups! I can see why the chalkboard sold right away. xo Diana

  4. I just love all of your French goodies! The basket is perfect painted white, and those little bottles are just adorable! Tres chic!

  5. That basket is great! I love picnic baskets like that.

  6. Love everything! That basket is gorgeous:) My husband and I have a joint account so I feel guilty if I post too much girl stuff...he doesn't mind though...bless his heart:)


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