Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Waiting on a Little Inspiration

Meh!  I'm in a bit of a crafting slump.  Nothing seems to be calling to me lately.  I'm sure it doesn't help that I have my first "summer" cold.  Seriously, I'm sitting here wondering: where did my craft mojo go?????



  1. Summer colds are the worst. Slow down, recoup, and, refresh. I'm sure your creative spark will return.

  2. It'll come. I'm sure it doesn't help that you don't feel good. Feel better!

  3. It went to bed with your cold! Your mojo will come back soon- xo Diana

  4. Hi Jeanine, Sorry you have a fresh new cold. I am sure it doesn't help the crafting mode. I think this happens to us all from time to time. Just don't know what to create next.
    Hope your feeling better soon.
    Hugs, CM


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