Monday, June 1, 2015

Target Wood Letters

Have you seen the wood letters Target added to their craft section? I picked up a "B" and ampersand last week with the plan of adding them to our picture wall.  But first I had to spruce them up a bit.
I gave each a few coats of black spray paint.
Then I broke out a power sander.  Yes, I actually used a power tool when my husband was at work.  There is a first time for everything, lol.  Anywho, I sanded the paint around the edges of each piece for a more aged look.
I'm super happy with how they came out and can't wait to hang them!



  1. Those are really cute! Nice job with the power sander, too!;>) xo Diana

  2. You did a great job. Power tools are a girls best friend.

  3. Love the letters and how you painted and aged them. I have not seen these at Target. Great work with the power tools.
    Happy June!

  4. Great girlfriend is looking for a little extra something for her gallery wall and this just might do the trick!! Thanks!

  5. NO, I have not seen these at Target because when I shop at Target I spend way too much and breeze through as fast as I can, LOL.

    These are fabulous!!!

  6. Sounds like I need to head on over to Tar-jay! What a great idea to use the power sander, I don't know if I'd be brave enough!!


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