Sunday, June 21, 2015

You Inspired Me

A shout out to two lovely ladies, whose recent blog posts inspired me this past week.
First thanks goes out to Dawn from The Feathered Nest.  Dawn made a beautiful glass candle holder, which inspired me to make my own.  
I followed Dawn's instructions and got a glass cylinder vase from the Dollar Store, and a smaller one to put inside.  I printed off the same gorgeous vintage image she did (from The Graphics Fairy) onto vellum paper.
I wasn't sure if you were supposed to put it behind the glass or on the front of the glass.  In the interest of safety and having two boys, I added the image to the front of the glass (so it doesn't go up in smoke when you light the inner candle).  Isn't it pretty????  Click on the link above to see Dawn's version.
My second thank you goes out to my sister, Kathy from Creative Home Expressions.  Kathy made some adorable spools using toilet paper rolls.  I was so excited to take a stab at some myself.
Again, I followed the instructions and made two to start.  I used vintage sheet music on mine and added some lace I picked up from Target's Dollar Spot a few weeks ago.
I feel like the tops are missing a little something so I'll probably add a touch or two of bling or a flower like the one on the old wooden spool.  Click the link above to see Kathy's versions.

Thank you again ladies for inspiring me!



  1. That was quick! : ) I missed seeing Dawn's, but I haven't been online much lately. It looks great. Thanks for the shout out! I think my next batch of spools will be wearing some of scrapbook paper.

  2. Both are great ideas! I love your versions, too!!

  3. Hi Jeanine, beautiful creations from the inspiration in blogland. I saw Kathy's spool design and loved it. Great idea to top one end with a flower or bling. Love the candle holder too.
    Have a great week. Hugs, cm


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