Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I Tried It!

Just when I thought I'd heard about all the different transfer image methods, along comes a new one: the packing tape transfer method.
I read about it on The Graphics Fairy (click on the link to go directly to the post tutorial).  Since I'm always looking for easy, new transfer methods, I got on this one right away.  All I can say is: OMG, love it!
This has to be one of the easiest methods I've ever tried.  Here's a brief rundown: 1. Print out your image onto paper; 2. Cover it with a piece of clear packing tape; 3. Burnish the image with a wood stick; 4. Soak in warm water for 2-3 minutes.  I'm going to stop here...
Because...the tutorial says to peel off the paper after soaking it in the water.  Lucky me got a phone call during this step.  When I turned around after hanging up, the paper had pulled away from the tape. Winning!  No scraping off paper for me!
Continuing: 5. Let tape image dry and 6. Adhere to your glass jar/candle holder/glass anything.

So stinking easy and is seriously my newest obsession.  Definitely give this one a go!



  1. WHAT? All this time and I've never tried this? Gonna try it now.
    Thank you for this post.

  2. Hi Jeanine, I too got the email post for this and anxious to try it. Yours turned out great. Thanks for sharing your results. Love your candles.
    Happy New Year! xo


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