Saturday, January 2, 2016

My First Project of the Moo Year

I know, I know - pretty hokey title for this post, but I couldn't resist!  I hope everyone's new year is off to a great start.  I've been slacking on the blog lately, so one of my resolutions was to get back into blogging instead of just posting projects to Instagram.
This is my first project for 2016.  I'm always making Frenchy tea towels, but I wanted a little change for the new year.  So I found this great butcher's cut cow image on Etsy and immediately added it to my shopping cart.  
I printed the image in reverse onto TAP paper, cut out the cows and then simply ironed them onto each tea towel.
I already have them hanging in my kitchen!

Something new to my blog: I'm going to be listing the where to buy for all projects this year.  For the cow image, go to: JLeeLoo2 on Etsy (or click the link), $1.  The tea towels are from Ikea and are 79 cents each.

Now to catch up on some much missed blog reading.



  1. I love your Moo Cow tea towels. So cute.

    Happy New Year Sweet Girl.


  2. What a great idea and Thank you for the tutorial. I like the idea of letting us know where to purchase these items. I am constantly looking them up on the internet to try and find some items i see on other blogs and sometime I will the email the person and I won't get a response. So, Thank you so much for letting us know. Happy New Year.

  3. Hi Jeanine, this is really a wonderful first project for the new year. Love it. Wishing you the best in 2016. Happy New Year! xo


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