Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday's Thrifty Finds

Can you say jackpot?!
I feel like I hit it this morning at a local garage sale.  Look at all of this vintage goodness!  Bunny tins, heart tins and tart tins.
And a teeny, tiny muffin tin.  Seriously, how cute is that?  I grabbed star tins, measuring spoons and a biscuit cutter too.
This guy is going to get a makeover.  I'm turning it into an herb planter.  After a few coats of white paint and some graphics, it will hardly look the same.

Not bad for $8 and what's even better: I'm slowing getting my crafting/thrifting mojo back.


1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your herb planter!! That is the only think I can seem to grow and am always looking for another way to plant them!


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