
Union Jack Tool Box

June 21, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I've had this little, vintage children's toolbox (or is it a shoe shine box?) for a while now.  For a while I used it as a planter.  It got pretty beat up from the elements, so I decided to give it a makeover. After a few coats of gloss red spray paint, I was a little stumped on what to do next.  I didn't feel like doing the Mod Podge transfer method and I didn't...

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I'm Still Here!

June 07, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I've been a very bad blogger of late, but I am still here. I've been doing random projects here and there. And finally hit some garage sales last weekend. And enjoying the beautiful weather. I will have some news in a few weeks.  I went back to school.  Well a very specific school, so I've been juggling home life, work, crafting and school over the past few weeks.  But I am still here. Stay tuned!...

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