
Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Wishing all of my bloggy friends a very happy Halloween! Jeanine ...

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My First Xmas Project of the Season

October 28, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I know Monday is Halloween, but who isn't already thinking about Christmas projects?  I know I am. I'm battling my first cold of the season, so I had some down time this week to do some crafting. I used an old spaghetti tin to make this pretty.  First I added some sheet music as my background.  Then I picked the pretty French image (from the Graphics Fairy) and glued that on the sheet music. Next...

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Mystery Solved

October 25, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm happy to report that I have FINALLY figured out why I couldn't comment on many of your blogs.  And it did not take a Ouija board to do it.  Something to do with enabling cookies, java script and a whole lot of other techie words I don't know.  Anywho, I fixed it and am ready to roll again! Jeanine ...

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New to My Etsy

October 24, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I have been woefully neglecting my Etsy shop of late.  Sure, I've been fulfilling orders, but I haven't had a chance to add too many new items. Over the weekend - in between playdates, sleepovers and giving our garage a must-needed fall cleaning - I spent time whipping up some new items. I love lavender sachets, so I broke out my stamps and ink for these two designs: a country bunny and the White Rabbit....

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Our Spooky Tea Room

October 18, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I dressed up our tea room/she shed last week.  Here she is all dolled up for Halloween. Remember those thrift store frames I found last week?  Here they are in all their creepy glory.  The Ouija board was a garage sale find.  I made the bottles and chalkboard frame a couple of years ago. Here's another look. Glad I got her all decorated because this past weekend is a blur between pumpkin picking... And getting...

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~Book Reviews~

October 14, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Once the cooler weather starts, I love to curl up on the couch under a blanket with a good book.  This week I had two great books to read. It's not secret that I am a HUGE fan of Ikea.  I love trolling Pinterest for IKEA hacks (seriously, don't you too?!).  I Modify IKEA by Elyse Major and Charlotte Rivers offers a ton of ideas that I'd never seen before in easy to follow DIY...

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French Market Halloween Tags

October 04, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Whipped up these cute Halloween tags over the weekend. I couldn't stop at just the tags, so I made some stickers too. Both sets can be found in my Etsy. Jeanine ...

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