Thursday, November 18, 2021

~how do you spell christmas cheer~

(Book paper tree)

My latest batch of Christmas projects all seem to have one thing in common: letter tiles.
(Merry shelf sitter)

I'm sure you already know I stock up on Scrabble games whenever I see them at our local thrift store.  In fact, if there is a board game with letter tiles, I can't get it in my hands fast enough.
(Dollar Tree snowflake ornaments)

You never know when they may come in handy.  And as you can see from these latest Christmas projects, the tiles are versatile and can be used on just about everything.

Tips: The book page tree I made using a tutorial on Pinterest.  The shelf sitter is from a block of wood I got at Dollar Tree (I cut it in half).  The wood snowflakes are also from Dollar Tree.  They come unfinshed, so you can paint them whatever color you like.


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