Tuesday, November 30, 2021

~the christmas poop log~


Need a good chuckle this holiday season? May I suggest The Christmas Poop Log Story Book? Yes, it's an actual thing and it's hilarious!

Anyone who loves a good poop joke will adore the story of this fascinating, educational experience that revolves around a Christmas tradition celebrated in the Catalonia region in Northern Spain with roots dating back to the 18th century.  Who knew?!

The practice of finding the perfect poop log in the wilderness reflects the American tradition of finding the perfect tree. Once the one that’s ‘just right’ is found, it is brought into the home and accessorized by its new family with an illustrated face and sometimes a felt hat or other festive attire and propped on smaller logs as front “legs.”   

After traveling to Spain several years ago and becoming fascinated by the tradition, entrepreneur and first time author Jonathan Chastek wrote the book as a way to bring the endearing tradition to American families. And what's nice is a tree will be planted for every purchase through a partnership with OneTreePlanted

The Christmas Poop Log Story Book is available in hardcover for $21.95For more information, visit www.thechristmaspooplog.com.


* Note: I received a review sample.  However, all opinions, images, etc. are honest and my own.  This blog does not contain any content that might present a conflict of interest.  Affiliate links and/or monetary compensation will always be disclosed. 

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