
Kitchen Remodel Revealed

September 30, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm so happy that my kitchen is finally finished!  My husband did everything himself so I can take 0 credit.  You can see a bit of the before here.  And here are the afters: I'm soooooo happy to finally have a dishwasher!  I've gone without one for almost 11 years and I just don't how we did without!  He still has to add the curtains back up over the sink. I have so much more...

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Witches Ball Halloween Peat Pot

September 29, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I still have a ton of these little peat pots left over from the summer.  I knew I wanted to do at least one for Halloween and when I saw this image over at The Graphics Fairy, I knew it would be perfect! First I hot glued some vintage lace to the pot.  Then I hot glued the picture to the front.  I tied some tea-stained seam binding to the top.  Then I finished off...

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Pumpkin Trio

September 21, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
When one dollar store disappoints, another delivers!  Look at these adorable ceramic pumpkins I picked up this morning: My usual dollar store did not have them - among other things.  I have to say these are pretty good quality.  You know how iffy some dollar store things can be but I give these two thumbs up! Jeanine ...

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Small Halloween Touches

September 18, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
It's official.  I have my first cold of the almost fall season.  It seems every time the weather turns unexpectedly, I get a cold.  Boo hoo!  Given my complete lack of energy this weekend, I was only able to eke out two small Halloween projects.  First up is this little spells bag: I used some leftover coffee dyed fabric I had from last year.  I stitched up both sides of the fabric to create a...

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Quick Halloween Apothecary Jar

September 15, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I have a ton of these apothecary jars on hand at all times.  Whenever Michael's or AC Moore has them on sale, I stock up because they really work well for any holiday-inspired projects.  Of course this morning, I decided to do a Halloween one. I printed off the arsenic image from The Graphics Fairy (did anyone else notice Martha Stewart Crafts has a very similar label too?  Maybe Martha's been browsing Karen's site?!  Lol!). ...

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Quoth the Raven...Nevermore

September 12, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
So I'm slowly starting to put out my Halloween decorations.  Normally I wait until at least the 15th but me and the kids were getting a bit anxious.  Okay maybe it was more me!  I had a random black frame lying around so I made this: I printed the old crow image from The Graphics Fairy onto some vintage sheet music. Then I took out my mini letter stamps ($1 at Michaels!) and stamped: "Quoth...

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Friday's Thrifty Finds

September 09, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Oh how I love popping into our local church thrift store.  They are only open on Friday, so I treat myself as much as I can each Friday.  Today did not disappoint! The kitty was only $2.  I have to find a cute corner spot for her before my 4 year old stakes his claim for her.  He loves animals: cats and dogs being his favorite.  I also picked up some wood hangers for my Etsy...

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Stocking Up on Dollar Store Halloween Goodies

September 08, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I confess...I started buying some Halloween decorations already.  I don't feel too guilty because these all came from my local dollar store. I saved two glass jars with Halloween in mind - one held pasta sauce and the other honey. I put some fake moss on the bottom of each jar.  Then I added my black spiders to one and the fake eyeballs to the other.  I used some coffee-dyed hang tags to hand-stamp each tag to...

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Romantic Homes Featuring My Tool Caddy

September 06, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I was so excited when our mail landing this morning!  See anyone you know in here?  =)  Me!  And my tool caddy! Cover. My page! I feel like a mini celebrity of sorts!  Thanks to Romantic Homes for featuring me in your beautiful magazine! Jeanine ...

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