Dollar Store Candle Holders Makeover
December 18, 2015 / BY Okio B Designs
Wow, has it really been over a week since I last posted?! Between the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the fact I have my first cold of the season, I haven't been able to get much crafting done. Well, I did have time to stop by the Dollar Store earlier this week... And I did find a little time between bouts of rain to give these Dollar Store candle holders a little Mercury...
Before & After
December 07, 2015 / BY Okio B Designs
Sometimes all you need is a little chalk paint. I made this top hat a few years ago. I wanted to give it a makeover but couldn't get the sheet music off. Isn't it amazing what a little paint can do? Jeanine ...
Faux Hot Cocoa Bar
December 02, 2015 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm giving my porch a bit of a ski chalet look this year for the holidays. It's still a work in progress, but I wanted to share some recent touches. I picked up the plaid pillows ($19.99 each) from Marshall's last week. They have snowflakes on the other side, but I adore the plaid so I tucked the snowflakes to the back. We've had the blanket for a few seasons now. I think it was...