Wishing all of my bloggy friends a safe and happy new year! May all of our dreams come true in 2017. Jeanine ...
~random xmas projects~
December 13, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Just when you think you're done with your Christmas projects for the season, along comes a cute little printable on Pinterest that gets the juices flowing again. C'mon, how cute is this sno {sic} balls sign?! You can't see but it also says $1.00 underneath the text. I printed it out and just used Mod Podge to add it to this "crate" I had spruced up last year. I added some Polyfill, faux glass balls...
~joyeux noel~
December 09, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Sharing some sweet Joyeux Noel candles I made. I expect the next two weeks to be crazed, so I was happy to steal some time yesterday to work on what makes me feel less crazed. Jeanine ...
~All I Want for Christmas~
December 05, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Oprah can do a My Favorite Things round-up, so can I. =) Here's just a few things we're hoping to find under the Okio B Christmas tree this year. (Photo courtesy of J. Crew) I'm so in love with this Zebra Sweater from J. Crew. Festive enough for Christmas and New Year's Eve, but not too holidayish for everyday wear. (Photo courtesy of Lands End)...
Christmas Touches
December 02, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Sharing a few more Christmas additions to the house. This little vignette is on my porch. I try to change it up each year. Last year I had a hot chocolate "bar." This year it's about peace. I added some vintage paper scrolls and greens to this pitcher. Love the way it looks on this vintage scale in the kitchen. These were actually inspired by Decor Steals. They had something similar available a few weeks...
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like...
November 26, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
...Christmas! I actually started adding a few pieces here and there over the past week. But today, we are in full Christmas decoration mode. I am trying (keyword in the sentence: trying) to keep things a little more simple this year. Between two boys, two cats and my husband, someone or something is always messing with my decorations. Grrrr... So I'm not going to get frustrated this year. I'm just doing more with less. I'm...
~Happy Thanksgiving~
November 23, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Wishing all of my bloggy friends a very Happy Thanksgiving! Jeanine ...
~Holiday Scents~
November 14, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
While I haven't officially started decorating for Christmas yet, I am craving the scents of the season. Cinnamon, Balsam Fir, Winter Pine - you name it, I love it. So I found three simple ways to add the sweet aroma of the holidays to our house. First up is this eco-friendly dish soap from ECOS: Earth Friendly Products. Their limited edition holiday DishmateTM dish soap is available in a fresh Winterpine scent. (Ecos.com; $3.49)....
Slightly Obsessed
November 09, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Sharing a few more Xmas tart tins I made last week. Told you I was slightly obsessed with making these! While some of my friends on Instagram are already decorating for Xmas, I'm content just crafting and planning on where to display these when the time comes. The little reindeer and feed sack are from Michael's. Had everything else I needed. These guys are also from Michael's. I added the 25 Bingo chip and faux...
Tart Tin Magnets
November 04, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I bought a bunch of tart tins from our local thrift store a couple of weeks ago. They were too new for what I had in mind, so I searched Pinterest for a recipe on how to age them. Some vinegar, salt and water gave me exactly the look I was going for, so I could turn them into... Xmas magnets! I used random pieces to get three different looks. This one is my...
Happy Halloween!
October 31, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Wishing all of my bloggy friends a very happy Halloween! Jeanine ...
My First Xmas Project of the Season
October 28, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I know Monday is Halloween, but who isn't already thinking about Christmas projects? I know I am. I'm battling my first cold of the season, so I had some down time this week to do some crafting. I used an old spaghetti tin to make this pretty. First I added some sheet music as my background. Then I picked the pretty French image (from the Graphics Fairy) and glued that on the sheet music. Next...
Mystery Solved
October 25, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm happy to report that I have FINALLY figured out why I couldn't comment on many of your blogs. And it did not take a Ouija board to do it. Something to do with enabling cookies, java script and a whole lot of other techie words I don't know. Anywho, I fixed it and am ready to roll again! Jeanine ...
New to My Etsy
October 24, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I have been woefully neglecting my Etsy shop of late. Sure, I've been fulfilling orders, but I haven't had a chance to add too many new items. Over the weekend - in between playdates, sleepovers and giving our garage a must-needed fall cleaning - I spent time whipping up some new items. I love lavender sachets, so I broke out my stamps and ink for these two designs: a country bunny and the White Rabbit....
Our Spooky Tea Room
October 18, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I dressed up our tea room/she shed last week. Here she is all dolled up for Halloween. Remember those thrift store frames I found last week? Here they are in all their creepy glory. The Ouija board was a garage sale find. I made the bottles and chalkboard frame a couple of years ago. Here's another look. Glad I got her all decorated because this past weekend is a blur between pumpkin picking... And getting...
~Book Reviews~
October 14, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Once the cooler weather starts, I love to curl up on the couch under a blanket with a good book. This week I had two great books to read. It's not secret that I am a HUGE fan of Ikea. I love trolling Pinterest for IKEA hacks (seriously, don't you too?!). I Modify IKEA by Elyse Major and Charlotte Rivers offers a ton of ideas that I'd never seen before in easy to follow DIY...