Can you say jackpot?! I feel like I hit it this morning at a local garage sale. Look at all of this vintage goodness! Bunny tins, heart tins and tart tins. And a teeny, tiny muffin tin. Seriously, how cute is that? I grabbed star tins, measuring spoons and a biscuit cutter too. This guy is going to get a makeover. I'm turning it into an herb planter. After a few coats of white paint...
Road Trip ~ Boston
April 28, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
The boys are off from school this week, so we planned a quick trip to Boston. It was a little chilly (and rainy), but we managed to walk the Freedom Trail, visit the New England Aquarium and travel to Salem. I'm a bit of a history buff, so I was in my glory. And I looooove old, historic cemeteries. This grave marker is for a four year old, though. That was sad. We got to...
Rusty Hinge Turned Fridge Magnet
April 21, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I salvaged a rusty hinge from a burn pile a couple of months ago. Something about it just called to me, so I stored it in the garage until more Spring-like weather arrived. The weather has been perfect this week, so I finally broke out the hinge and gave it a few coats of white spray paint. Since I wanted a more shabby look, I also gave it a few coats of white chalk paint....
Altered Altoid Tin ~ Alice in Wonderland
April 19, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
I've had this teeny-tiny Altoid tin for a couple of weeks now. I finally got around to embellishing it last night. I wanted to go with an Alice in Wonderland theme. After searching up some how-to pins on Pinterest, I started by adding paper to the front, back and insides. Mod Podge worked best for this. Once my paper was in place, I just started adding random Alice pieces: a keyhole, tea party image,...
White Wednesday
April 13, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Happy to say I've gotten a bit of my crafting mojo back. Nothing fancy: just an upcycled little crate and some trinket boxes. Everything got a few coats of white paint and some French book paper. Short, sweet and simple...and perfect for White Wednesday. Jeanine ...
Please Stand By
April 02, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Yikes has it really been over three weeks since I last posted? I'm posting more on Instagram these days. Just waiting for the weather here to cooperate more so I can get back into the swing of things craft-wise. If you miss me (hee hee hee), you can always follow me on Instagram: @okiobdesigns. Jeanine ...