~shiplap love prints~
December 29, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
It's probably no surprise that I've already started working on some Valentine's Day projects. Today I'm sharing some sweet framed prints that were super easy and relatively free to make. To start, I jumped over to Pinterest and started searching up shiplap backgrounds. After scrolling through what seemed like 100 shiplap wall paper pins, I finally found a pretty background that perfectly captured what I was looking for. After downloading it to my computer, I headed over...
~merry christmas~
December 24, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
Merry Christmas to my bloggy friends! I've been such a naughty blogger of late. Hopefully I didn't end up on Santa's naughty list! I plan on getting my craft groove back on after the holidays. I've missed it, but as we all know, life sometimes gets in the way. I'm wishing you all a very happy and healthy holiday season! See you soon, Jeanine ...
~amazon affiliate program~
December 09, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
Guess who just signed up to become an Amazon Affiliate? This girl! I'm still learning the ropes, so any advice other affiliates care to share will be much appreciated! Jeanine ...
~mini christmas pail~
December 06, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
I dressed up this mini pail with a free printable from On Sutton Place. Sometimes I like to keep it simple. I also used tea-stained seam binding, faux moss and one of my French script candles. Jeanine ...
~christmas touches~
November 28, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
It's definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the Okio B house! I actually started decorating inside a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I am that person. Ha ha. A lot of the pieces and projects you've probably seen from past Christmas posts. I switch things around though every year for a new look. There is a touch of Christmas in just about every room in the house. My hubby did the outside...
~scrabble ornaments~
November 20, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
Sharing a super easy Christmas ornament you can make in 15 minutes or less! I actually made these last year for a Christmas fair. They went over really well, but I did have some leftovers. All you need are some Jenga blocks, Scrabble tiles, a glue gun and wire (paint optional). I started by painting some of the Jenga blocks red. Some I left plain because I think they look more rustic. Anywho, start by...
~christmas paper crafting~
November 11, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
Disclosure: I received free product samples in exchange for posting products to this page, however, all opinions are my own. I love, love, love paper crafts. If you're a regular follower of my blog or even a fan of my Etsy shop, you probably know how much I adore working with paper. With that said, I must confess: I'm not exactly the best paper artist. And now I don't have to be thanks to Christmas Paper...
~hearth & hand knockoff~
November 06, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
How excited were you when Target officially unveiled the Hearth & Hand line from Joanna and Chip Gaines? I popped into our local store over the weekend and spied this pretty Merry & Bright framed print. I loved the idea so much that I decided to make my own version. After finding this great wreath image from the Graphics Fairy, I got busy trying to find a similar font to use for my Merry &...
~goodbye halloween, hello christmas!~
November 05, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
All of our Halloween decorations have been taken down and packed away. I'm ready to roll for the Xmas season! I actually started working on my first Xmas projects a couple of weeks ago - like these Scrabble tile desk sitters (currently for sale in my Etsy shop). And I finally got around to upcycling these cute angel ornaments. It only took me a year, lol. They were off-white with a bit of gold originally. ...
~skull candles~
October 12, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm in a full Halloween mode over here. Can you believe there are only 19 more days to go? Before I move onto Christmas projects, I made some new skull candles that cost under $5 to make. Simply grab some prayer candles from your local Dollar Store. Next you'll need some Avery clear label paper. I usually get mine from Staples or Quill ($19.99 for 25 sheets). Find a great creepy image (this one is...
~white wednesday~
October 04, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
Sharing some Alice pics I printed on vintage sheet music for my tea room/she-shed. I'm doing an Alice in Wonderland theme in there and these fit quite nicely! Happy White Wednesday! Jeanine ...
~halloween touches & picmonkey~
September 29, 2017 / BY Okio B Designs
I started putting out some Halloween decor earlier this week. Nevermind that it was 90 degrees. A girl's gonna do what a girl's gonna do. You might remember these painted wine bottles from last year. I'm still loving their haunting Halloween look. This is on our front porch. This doormat is from Pottery Barn. Not super happy as it ripped when I was taking it out of the packaging. And now it's sold out. Grrr...Can...